Font Reviews 2024: Bizzarri

Designed by Diana Ovezea
Distributed by Blast Foundry 
Typeface family: 6 weights, 2 styles (upright + italic), and 2 optical sizes. 24 fonts

This text was originally written in German, a language with more than 90 million speakers worldwide. The English version (Thank you Dan Reynolds!) of the review is below.

Ich hasse einkaufen. Ausgenommen Schriften.

2021 bin ich via Future Fonts über die Schrift »Bizzarri« von Diana Ovezea/Blast Foundry gestolpert und war sofort schockverliebt. Wenn ihr eine ausgefallene Schrift sucht, die eigenständig, eckig, laut, egozentrisch und detailverliebt um die Ecke kommt, dann liegt ihr mit der »Bizzarri« auf dem richtigen Kurs.

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Greetings from Poland

In 2012, I was invited to a wedding of my Polish friends and while there, I very quickly realized two things: the Poles really are experts in singing, dancing, drinking, and eating; and that areas in western Poland were formerly German. I discovered the former with the wedding itself and the latter while walking through the small village »Gryfów Śląski« the next day. There, I stumbled across German ghost signage in combination with a Polish street sign and I was instantly transported back to pre-war times.


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Goodbye to the Master of the Univers

This past week Adrian Frutiger (24.05.1928–10.09.2015) passed away after a life full of passion for typography and type design. This is the second great loss for the type community this year — he followed another type legend, Hermann Zapf, who died in June. In the 1950s, when he designed the famous font family UNIVERS, he could barely imagine that today such ornamental, playful initials would be used in a daily newspaper. He accompanied my life as a designer from the beginning of my studies in the ’80s, and I always loved the rhythm of UNIVERS — even today, and going forward. Farewell and have a good last journey.

Adrian Frutiger - Master of the Univers

In the Middle of Nowhere


In the middle of nowhere – an encounter First published in 2008 at SLANTED

I’m now on my way to Roquefort, after a halfway sleepless thundery night in a tent on the French Atlantic coast. I couldn’t tell if this is the place where the famous French cheese by the same name originates, but I do know that it is the place, central in the southwest of France where I will soon meet the man whose works I have studied, and come to appreciate, for some time now: his name is Jack Usine.

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