🎺🎺🎺: One Good Thing in 2021

According to the Miriam Webster Dictionary, to toot one’s own horn means “to talk about oneself or one’s achievements especially in a way that shows pride or too much pride”. We use this term as a way to reclaim some of the gender gaps in tooting one’s horn and challenged ourselves to come up with one good thing that happened, professionally or personally or a little bit of both, during this emotional / physical / mental wreck of a year.

Now, without further ado, and in no particular order, let the horn-tooting begin!

🎺 Kara Gordon
I bought into a co-op! Officially committed to Brooklyn for the long-haul.

🎺 Laura Serra
Relationships refined, Vaccinations, more personal projects, improved health, more satisfying illustration jobs, docent program at Letterform Archive, got a new illustration rep, Christmas in France (if I don’t jinx it now.)

🎺 María Ramos
I was part of the core team organizing an in-person national design event. A challenging and wonderful learning experience.

🎺 Dyana Weissman
I got a nice raise, and I didn’t even ask for it.

🎺 Laura Meseguer
I released my typeface family Qandus Latin, and had my first solo exhibition 🙂
hallway of an exhibition with posters and artwork
Photo by: Marina Roca

🎺 Carolina Giovagnoli
I closed my lovely 10-year-old-project, Andada ht. The research I have finished with the help of the mentorship program. The font family is now available on Google Fonts. I’ve started my own self publishing project. I’m happy and thankful with you, my family and friends.

🎺 Ulrike Rausch
My color font LiebeHeide was honoured with 6 (SIX!!!) awards this year! 🤯 🚀 🤪 🥳
I submitted my work already several times in the past, but never won anything. Seems LiebeHeide wanted to make-up for that. 😀
handwriting font sample

🎺 Isabella Aragão
Launch of the virtual group exhibition “Experimentando tipos em homenagem a’O Gráfico Amador” with graphic arts developed by Design students, artists and designers using lead types and letterpress machine from LPG of UFPE, which were donated by the important Brazilian artisanal publisher in the 1950s called O Gráfico Amador.

🎺 Liron Lavi Turkenich
In addition to welcoming baby Tom to the world, I was humbled and honoured to have Aravrit words which I designed, become a 13-meters sculpture in Expo 2020 in Dubai. This sculpture is the main artwork for the Israeli Pavilion. This is such an exciting event both for me, as the creator of Aravrit (a hybrid writing system merging Hebrew and Arabic) and for type, to be a centerpiece.
woman standing next to large sculpture of letterforms

🎺 Emilie Rigaud
PhD research about Japanese type design history is going smoothly! First year was difficult but this second year is pure joy, and the two days conference that I organized last October at Inalco university (Paris), gathering French and Japanese researchers and designers, was a success.

🎺 Elena Schneider
We had the best summer here in the North of Iceland, weather wise. It took less than 15 minutes to get dressed (per person) before leaving the house and we got loads of strawberries in the garden.

🎺 Maria Glenda Bellarosa
I got a new job! I started in November as the Library Manager at Type Network. It is new and challenging as I had previously been doing OpenType development for global scripts. It’s going well and I enjoy that I have the privilege of working with @Dyana.

🎺 Namrata Goyal
I was able to take a sabbatical this December (after thinking about it for months, I finally asked). I took the time to rest, and travelled with my mother.

🎺 Pooja Saxena
After years of fiddling around with them, I finally published my very first, very small graphic memoir, featuring pixel illustrations! I told the story of my experience with birdwatching, a hobby I discovered this year.
an illustration of a person's legs from behind standing in grass looking at mountains with the text "The best part of my day is standing still and waiting"

🎺 Dina Benbrahim
I started my endowed position at the University of Arkansas on August, and it is been such a fulfilling environment. I am grateful to work and be surrounded with fierce feminist women. I am constantly inspired by them.

🎺 Nora Gummert-Hauser
DEAD & ALIVE 03 – Footballer’s Birthday Calendar
Explore decades of football history with 366 inspiring characters.
In 2021 we have created the world’s first typographic birthday calendar where you can discover with which footballer or female footballer you share your birthday with. Designed in 12 different shades of green!

🎺 Luisa Baeta
After several years as a branding freelancer, I accepted a full-time job this year! I’m now a designer at Atlas Obscura, it’s still new but so far I’m loving it, the team is great and I am really excited to be setting down roots and working on projects for the long-term.

🎺 Irina Koryagina
I guess, in a teeny-tiny way, I’m glad that even during this rollercoaster-of-emotions kind of year, is-the-world-ending-kind-of-year, I-don’t-have-energy-for-much kind of year, I still had enough enthusiasm to keep messing around with my personal project of speculative book covers called And Then You Read. Every time I think it’s good to stop now and do some billable or even just real-world work, after a few weeks or a few months I read a cool book, have a visual idea, and get right back to it. It’s up to sixty covers now and still going strong. Kind of.

🎺 Chris Campe
This fall I received my first literary scholarship for the novel I started to write two years ago. I see myself primarily as a designer and I was not sure if my literary writing was any good, so this external validation means a lot to me and motivates me to continue working on the book.

🎺 Amy Papaelias
With the help of many here, the seed of an idea for an Alphabettes book project is finally planted in the universe. While still in the early germination stages, the goal is to not only document the group’s history but to also encourage the kind of participatory, DIY feminism we’ve always practiced here through articles, interviews, commentary, and more. To be continued…

Comments are open if you’d like to toot your horn!
Happy New Year, let’s use it for more collective ass-kicking and horn-tooting.

Calling All Mentors!

Join us for the autumn term to make a real impact!

* Not sure you could be a mentor? If you are unsure you are a good fit to join as a Mentor send us message we will chat with you about it. Most likely you ARE a great fit, and can really help making a change in people’s lives
* Worried about the commitment? If this is a busy time for you, you can sign up for as little as a 1 month program (about 4 sessions). You get to decide with the Mentee your preferred method of communication: Zoom, email, Slack or a combination
* How is the schedule? The sessions are flexible in time and dates, and you set them with your Mentee in a way which will make it work for both of you
* Will I need to be a mentor forever? We have two annual terms: spring and autumn. After every term, we check in to confirm with you that you are happy to continue. If you feel like you need a break, you can always pause
* What if I’m not a type designer? We have so many topics that Mentees are seeking guidance on: research, education, lettering, font production, business, writing, typography. If you are in type, you can be a huge help!
* Can only women be Mentors? Not at all! Everyone is welcome. Since Alphabettes is a network supporting woman, we centre a woman in every pair
* Want to hear more? We can send you a recording of a previous Q&A session we did for Mentors. Just email us

We look forward to having you on our team!
Alessia, Eleni, Liron, Veronika and Shani

Thank you Alphabettes Mentors!

As we are wrapping up the Mentorship spring term we wish to thank all our dedicated Mentors from the bottom of our hearts. THANK YOU for being so generous with your time and for your invaluable guidance. Your help made a huge difference and we truly appreciate it!

The AMP team,
Alessia, Eleni, Liron, Shani, and Veronika

Thank you Mentors!

Everything You Wanted to Know About Alphabettes But Were Too Afraid To Ask

Early January 2021 feels like a lifetime ago. Those were some of the darkest days of the pandemic, when vaccines were out of reach for almost everyone, daylight remained at a minimum, and the US was dealing with the aftermath of an attempted coup. Recording this episode of the podcast Warm up [on type], part of the 11et Encontro de Tipografia, was cathartic: Bianca Berning, Tânia Raposo, and myself discuss what Alphabettes is (and isn’t), what the group has accomplished (Mentorship Program! Alpha Crit! Blog! 24-Hour Hangout! Community! Feminist Agitation!), and what it hasn’t (Transparent Organizing! Being Totally Inclusive! Agreeing on All Things! Knowing What The Hell We Are Doing!).

Listen here:

Thank you to ESAD.CR Masters in Graphic Design students Diana Duarte, Beatriz Homem, Gabriela Silva, Sidónio Silva for having us, and providing the opportunity for some self-reflection at a time when we all needed it. ♥

Alphabettes Variety Show: Today!

In the Before Times, back when we used to ✌️travel to conferences✌️ and ✌️sit in darkened and aggressively air-conditioned auditoriums✌️, The Alphabettes Variety Show could be found drumming up trouble in the basement of 41 Cooper Square, New York, NY. With the TypeLab at Typographics in its second year as a free, online, 72-hour smorgasbord of talks, workshops, and presentations, it’s time for Alphabettes to emerge from its shell.

Alphabettes lettering illustrated as cicadas

The Alphabettes Variety Show buzzes back to life with live chatter, brooding guests, and some noisy fun TODAY, June 18, 16:00–17:00 ET (the TypeLab site will magically tell you the correct time wherever you are). Tune in via the TypeLab Americas YouTube Livestream or get loud with us and register for TypeLab to join the Zoom call.

Cicadalphabettes illustration by the buzzworthy Laura Serra. Typeface family is Faune by Alice Savoie / Cnap.

We need you!

Have you ever thought of becoming a Mentor with the Alphabettes Mentorship Program? Now is the time to jump into this rewarding and exciting experience. Simply fill in this form and wait to be matched.

Spring term just openend, and we are on the hunt for growing our pool of mentors.

  • Not sure you could be a mentor? If you are unsure you are a good fit to join as a Mentor send us message and we will chat with you about it. Most likely you ARE a great fit, and can really help making a change in people’s lives ❤️️
  • Worried about the commitment? If this is a busy time for you, you can sign up for as little as a 1 month program (about 4 sessions).Moreover, you get to decide with the Mentee your preferred method of communication: Zoom, email, Slack or a combination.
  • How is the schedule? The sessions are flexible in time and dates, and you set them with your Mentee in a way which will make it work for both of you.
  • Will I need to be a mentor forever? We have two annual terms: spring and autumn. After every term, we check in and confirm with you that you are happy to continue. However, if you feel like you need a break, you can always pause.
  • What if I’m not a type designer? We have so many topics that Mentees are seeking guidance on: research, education, lettering, font production, business, writing, typography. If you are in type, you can be a huge help.
  • Can only women be a mentor? Not at all! Everyone is welcome. Since Alphabettes is a network supporting woman, we centre a woman in every pair.
  • Want to hear more? We can send you a recording of a previous Q&A session we did for Mentors. Just email us!

We look forward to you!
The AMP team,
Eleni, Katy, Liron, Shani, and Veronika

Alphabettes Mentorship Program opens new term

mentorship program

We are thrilled to re-open the mentorship program to new Mentees from around the globe. We especially welcome women and underrepresented groups. Applications for the Spring term can be submitted via the form between the 21 March and 4th April 2021.

See some presentations of previous Mentees, have a peep behind the scenes, request access to the Q&A for Mentees, and more on the AMP blog and find FAQs and the application forms here.

The AMP team is looking forward to receiving your applications.
Eleni, Liron, Katy, Shani, and Veronika

Mentorship showcase party recording

A few weeks ago, in February 2021, we celebrated the achievements of the over 200 participants in the Alphabettes Mentorship Program.

10 selected Mentees presented their projects that they had developed, advanced and critiqued within their mentorship in 2020. They included research and design of the Sharada script, guidance on structuring research material, exploring the personal lettering style, help navigating the business side of type, experimenting with the Gujurati script, digitising and preserving old Columbian metal street signs, turning intricate lettering into a typeface, reviewing a personal typeface, and developing a typeface inspired by Mexican price label cards found in food markets.

For those who missed these awesome Mentees and their work, you can view them all in this video.

Thank you to all Mentees and their fantstic Mentors whitout whose incredible commitment and time these wonderful results would not have been possible!

More results and projects to come soon.

The Alphabettes Mentorship Team
Eleni, Liron, Katy, Shani, and Veronika

24-Hour Hangout for International Women’s Day 2021

In a year that’s felt like one giant 24-hour online meeting, it’s been difficult to collectively motivate ourselves to organize our 3rd annual 24-Hour Hangout for International Women’s Day. One year ago, socializing on a virtual call with friends and strangers from across the globe for a ridiculous amount of time sounded exciting, even sort of quaint. Now? Well, the novelty has worn off. But, this is Alphabettes! We don’t throw in the towel on crazy! We roll up our sleeves and embrace the chaos.

Care to join us?

Here’s how it works:

From 12am (0:00) EST to 11:59pm (23:59) EST on March 8, stop by for conversations on type, design, the universe, what’s in that dreaded ‘desktop’ folder on our desktop, whatever! Some times may be more spontaneous and chatty, other hours might be filled with activities and presentations.

Some fun plans throughout the day:

10am EST: Ulrike chats with Elena Albertoni about The Pre-Vinylettes
11am EST: Type Education Chat
12pm EST: Handwriting fun with Eleni B.
4pm EST: Dina Benbrahim + Lisa Maione talk about design education
5pm EST: La Hora Spanish!
6pm EST: Typecooker (ESP, ENG)
9pm EST: Mónica Munguía chats about her foundry, Momutype, and TypeThursday México City
10pm EST: Chatting about type event organization

and more! Surprises! Fun! Chats!

Who can attend:

You! All are welcome* to stop by when you can and leave when you need. Video is possible but just audio is fine, too. Or, just help the chat stay aflame. Keep an eye on this post, Twitter, and Instagram for any updates and help us spread the word! WOMEN = FUN.

* Participants must follow our code of conduct.