Mentee Guide 2022–2023

Alphabettes mentorship program open until 20 december 2022

Thank you for showing an interest in the Alphabettes Mentorship Program. If you wish to participate your first step will be to fill in the Mentee application form. Here are some notes and recommendations we have put together for you. Following these tips will help us to better understand your goal and to find the best Mentor to guide you through the process of fulfilling it.

Key moments
01/12/2022: Applications open
20/12/2022: Applications close
February: Applicants are notified of the outcome and for successful ones, mentors and mentees are introduced.

After a few years of accepting anyone seeking to explore more the fields of type, typography, or the lettering arts, we have made the decision to close Mentee applications to men. We operate on a basis of trans inclusivity, and accept Mentee applications from all women and non-binary people.

Before you apply:

    • Please remember that our Mentors are professional experts who are willing to donate their precious time for you. The program is built to provide you with guidance and advice on a specific matter during a set period of time. It should not to be confused with private tutoring for educational programs or a free of charge consultation for commercial projects
    • Learn about the program from the available resources: read the FAQ, dive into our blog posts, watch our Behind the Scenes video to learn how the program works and watch the Showcase Party video to see how former Mentees described their projects and goals. Make sure you are well informed about how the program works, and in case you have any question, you guessed it, just drop us a note.
    • Filling in the form means that you are ready to actively commit your time as a Mentee for the upcoming term. If you are not sure you are up to it please hold off and apply to the following term

When you apply:

    • Make sure you introduce yourself as best you can. What is your background? What are your interests? Don’t be shy; the more you share, the easier it will be to find your best match
    • Be specific about the field in which you seek guidance. You can choose one from: Type design, Font production or Typography or Lettering
    • Within the field you have selected, clarify the topic of your project. You can choose one from: Portfolio & Personal projects, Education & Research or Career & Industry
    • When you describe your project and goals, be as specific as possible. Share your current situation and what it is you are missing. Expand on your needs and expectations of the mentorship program.
    • When you think about your project, keep in mind that the mentorship program runs for 3 months. The scope of your project should fit this timespan
    • Think about how a Mentor can help you accomplish your goal. How will you benefit from your Mentor’s guidance and advice?
    • Note that the more focused you are on what it is you are looking for the faster it is for us to help you find it! Think of your goal in the form of a brief, or a project. If you are unsure or struggling to articulate your goal, or have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us before you fill in the form

We strongly suggest you start preparing your application well in advance and get in touch for any doubts or concerns. Spots will be awarded on a first-come first-serve basis, so be as ready and prepared as possible for the application opening day.

After you apply:

    • You did it! We will get in touch in February to communicate the outcome of your application. If successful you will be asked to confirm your availability to us within a week. To avoid missing important and time sensitive communication, please make sure you whitelist our email address and check your email spam folder regularly.

Mentoring is a fantastic tool to empower others, grow confidence and new skills, and both our Mentees and Mentors have found the relationship transformative and fulfilling. We hope this has helped you with applying as a Mentee and we look forward to having you join us!

Alessia, Eleni, Liron, Veronika and Shani