Font Reviews 2024: JOC Display

Designed by Sabina Chipară
Distributed by Type-Ø-Tones

This font review was originally written in Spanish. There are more than 45 million speakers in Argentina. Guarani and Quechua are other important languages in this country. The English translation of the review is below.

Joc Display es una tipografía que propone mucho juego y está inspirada en formas geométricas. Es perfecta para crear patrones y composiciones que necesitan impacto. Podríamos argumentar que nada supera a esta categoría tipográfica para diseñar títulos o encabezados. Su diseño incita a explorar y experimentar al momento de usarla. Considero que su propuesta osada y personal la vuelve perfecta para logotipos y aplicaciones de gran formato. 

La estructura y forma de sus signos se desprende de los bloques de madera que fueron el centro de la exposición de Sara San Gregorio: Juguetoría. A l’alçada del Joc curada por Helena Ayuso Moli y Anna Roigé Barrull en el Centro de Arte La Panera de Lleida, España. La exposición proponía a los niños de 5 a 9 años crear sus propios juguetes combinando esos bloques de madera. La lógica propuesta por este juego y sus formas han sido traducidas por Sabina para crear JOC. El espíritu del diseño gráfico de principios de los años 70 también es una gran influencia en las formas geométricas que caraterizan a esta tipografía.

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Font Reviews 2024: Kalnia Glaze

Designed by Frida Medrano
Available at Google Fonts
Font family: 7 weights. 7 static fonts + 1 variable font.

This font review was originally written in Spanish, the official language of 20 countries. English translation below.

¿Kalnia Glaze es Color Font o fuente Variable? La respuesta es, Sí.

Frida Medrano, diseñadora gráfica originaria de Monterrey, Nuevo León, México, es una de las figuras más destacadas en el mundo del diseño tipográfico. Especializada en tipografía y conocida por su enfoque innovador, Frida ha logrado combinar de manera magistral la tecnología y el diseño, llevando sus creaciones a nuevos horizontes. Su trabajo con fuentes variables y su investigación para optimizar gráficos entre impresión y web reflejan no solo su talento, sino también su profunda pasión por el diseño.

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Font Reviews 2024: AM Majella

Designed by Valentina Casali
Distributed by CAST

This font review was written in English and translated into Portuguese (BR—below). Portuguese makes use of five diacritics: the cedilla (ç), acute accent (á, é, í, ó, ú), circumflex accent (â, ê, ô), tilde (ã, õ), and grave accent (à) to mark the contraction of two consecutive vowels in adjacent words (crasis).

Valentina has been on my radar for a while. It’s no secret how much I hate working on connected scripts, so I will forever be amazed by people who can do it well. Combine that with gorgeous ornamental lettering and sharp letter carvings, and you would be crazy not to watch her work. First, was Pritzious, conceived during the Type Design Expert Class at the Plantin Institute of Typography in Antwerp (2021–2022), and now she is back with AM Majella—a revival of the homonymous wood typeface, Majella (released by Xilografia di Verona between 1937-1939). 

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Font Reviews 2024: Bizzarri

Designed by Diana Ovezea
Distributed by Blast Foundry 
Typeface family: 6 weights, 2 styles (upright + italic), and 2 optical sizes. 24 fonts

This text was originally written in German, a language with more than 90 million speakers worldwide. The English version (Thank you Dan Reynolds!) of the review is below.

Ich hasse einkaufen. Ausgenommen Schriften.

2021 bin ich via Future Fonts über die Schrift »Bizzarri« von Diana Ovezea/Blast Foundry gestolpert und war sofort schockverliebt. Wenn ihr eine ausgefallene Schrift sucht, die eigenständig, eckig, laut, egozentrisch und detailverliebt um die Ecke kommt, dann liegt ihr mit der »Bizzarri« auf dem richtigen Kurs.

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Font Reviews 2024: Tegner

Designed by Linda Hintz
Distributed by Future Fonts

This review was originally written in Catalan. Catalan-speaking territories are sometimes called the Països Catalans (Catalan Countries), a denomination based on cultural affinity and common heritage. The English version of the review is below.

Per a mi, Tegner* és la definició de simpàtica en forma de tipografia: té una personalitat encantadora i accessible que sembla somriure’t des de la pàgina. Dissenyada per Linda Hintz, Tegner aconsegueix equilibrar la juganeria amb una sofisticació moderna i càlida, fent que sigui alhora amigable i elegant. Això es deu a les seves corbes inesperades, subtils asimetries i detalls que es perceben gairebé naturals. A més, combina minúscules d’estil unicase amb majúscules més petites, fletxes, animals i molt més. És una tipografia que et convida a explorar, com si et digués: “Creem alguna cosa divertida junts.”

* Tegner va néixer inspirada per una visita al Rudolph Tegner Museum. Un pòster d’una exposició a l’Independent Artspace Den Frie de Copenhaguen, datat de l’any 1911, mostrava una lletra única que ressonava amb la cruesa arquitectònica de formigó del museu.

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Font Reviews 2024: Diatype Devanagari

Designed by Kimya Gandhi (Mota Italic)
Multiscript Art Direction: Ethan Cohen (Dinamo)
Production: Hugo Jourdan (Dinamo)
Distributed by Dinamo
Font family: 8 weights

This font review was originally written in French, a language spoken by approximately 80 million native speakers worldwide. English version of the review below.

Diatype Devanagari fait partie de la famille de caractères Diatype, qui couvre également l’arabe, l’arménien, le cyrillique, le géorgien, le grec, l’hébreu, le latin et le thaï. Conçu par Kimya Gandhi (Mota Italic), ce devanagari au style grotesque se distingue par une simplicité des formes sans pareille.

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Font Reviews 2024: Tiny Grotesk

Designed by Robin Mientjes
Distributed by Tiny Type Co. & Fontstand
Typeface family: 4 weights, 3 widths, and 3 optical sizes. 12 fonts

This font review was originally written in Spanish. English translation below.

Tiny Grotesk es la superfamilia neogrotesca sans serif de Tiny Type Co, la fundidora de Robin Mientjes. Tiene dos estilos o parámetros extremos que la definen y aggiornan este estilo, con raíz en principios del siglo XX, a la contemporaneidad. Tiny Grotesk toma su inspiración del linaje neo-grotesco marcado por referentes históricos como Helvética, Univers y Folio.

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Font Reviews 2024: Fabulosa

Designed by Laura Messeguer 
Distributed by Type-Ø-Tones

This font review was written in English and translated into Portuguese (BR—below). The Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) is expected to have an additional 110 million inhabitants in 2050, rising to around 357 million people, according to United Nations (UN) estimates.

I am thrilled to feature Laura in the Women in Type series finally. She has been on the list since day one. While I originally planned to group 5 pioneer designers of her generation—like Veronika Burian, Zuzana Licko, and Laura Worthington—I can’t leave Fabulosa off my best of the year. A node to the Fat Face style and Ed Benguiat’s Caslon Swash (two of my all-time favorite historical references) that would immediately teleport us to the glamourous 1970s graphic scene if it wasn’t for the surprising stencil twist (which in my mind carries a more edgy look)—a bold, striking, yet retro serif typeface. It’s like colliding Philip Roth paperbacks with the Bauhaus.

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Font Reviews 2024: Butik

Designed by Anna Štepanovská
Distributed by Rosetta Type
Typeface family: 3 widths + 9 weights. 27 static fonts + 1 variable font

This text was originally written in Catalan. The Catalan ce trencada (Ç ç), which literally means ‘broken ce’, can be used before the vowels a, o, u (+ accented derivatives), at the end of a word, or before ‘s’ in plural words (e.g. falçs).
The English version of the review is below.

Quina delícia!
Butik està plena de detalls que em fan que m’agradi tant. A Butik el que veiem és que no es tracta només de donar forma a les lletres, sinó de crear formes plenes de significat i personalitat. Anna Štepanovská combina influències de l’ornamentació manierista, Herb Lubalin i Josef Týfa per dissenyar una família tipogràfica completament nova i moderna. Les formes semi-serifades, com la n i la v i la U, i les prominents trampes de tinta defineixen la seva personalitat. Notareu terminals de bola delicades i traços sortints generosos en els pesos més lleugers, mentre que els pesos més gruixuts veiem contraformes petites i terminals de bola grans. És una tipografia que sap com fer una entrada triomfal. I els extres: Les lligadures decoratives, els traços ornamentals i les alternances ofereixen un potencial creatiu immens.

Com diuen a la presentació de Rosetta, Butik no és només una tipografia; és un autèntic terreny de joc per als dissenyadors.

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Font Reviews 2024: Stringer

Designed by Emily Klaebe
Mastered by Tiny Type Co.
Distributed by Order
Font family: 5 weights. 5 static fonts. Trials available

This font review was written in English and translated into Portuguese (BR—below), with over 230 million native speakers, making it the 8th most spoken language in the world.

If you need a bracketed slab serif with a nostalgic feel, less contrast, and more quirks than the jaw-dropping Ionic Modern from Commercial Type, Stringer may be the perfect fit. Emily’s first commercial release, designed during the Type West program in 2022, and published by Order, is a revival from Ionics of the early 20th century—more precisely Miller & Richard’s Ionic No. 3 at 12-point—in five up-right weights, from Thin to Bold (fingers crossed italics are upcoming).

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